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What We Do

We specialise in supporting companies to grow their Cloud capabilities

The Prompt team have extensive experience in building and supporting sophisticated Cloud environments. We have deep specialist experience in the areas of DevOps and SecOps. We've supported global SaaS companies and large enterprises to grow their internal Cloud capabilities. We've helped development teams to transition their apps to the cloud.

And we're good at it.

Cloud Architecture

Get the most out of your Cloud provider. Our team can help you design and build a resilient, cost-effective Cloud environment.

DevOps Pipelines

Want your releases to go like clockwork? Our team has extensive experience providing DevOps Pipelines for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment on various platforms.

Infrastructure as Code

No more missed configuration during deployments. By using Infrastructure as Code, you can keep track of every change to the environment - and create new environments quickly and easily.


Completely portable environments, from development through to production. Our team can help you to build scalable and reliable container infrastructure.

Security Architecture

Data security is critical. Our team designs and implements secure Cloud infrastructure leveraging Software Defined Networking, Intrusion Detection, Firewalls and Proactive Monitoring.

Cloud Health Check

Make sure that your current Cloud infrastructure has been built and maintained in line with industry best practices.

Cloud Migration

Running on premise, or with a Cloud provider you'd like to move away from? Our team can help you migrate your systems to the Cloud.


Make sure your environment is fault-tolerant, and has been designed to continue operating smoothly even if some components fail.

Disaster Recovery

What's your backup plan if your app goes down? How long would it take you to put it into action? Our team can help you to build out and test recovery options that will get you back up and running quickly.

How We Do It

Standing on the shoulders of giants

Prompt leverages best-in-class Cloud platforms and software to deliver reliable results quickly. Where possible, we use managed services that can go on "autopilot", minimising maintenance overheads and increasing resiliency. We have established a playbook of open source software configurations which allows us to spin up hosted services easily to support our solutions.

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